Linux Backup

Linux Backup #

Clonezilla Backups #

You can use clonezilla to make full backups of your complete drive or the Raspberry SD card

Kopia Backups #

  • To backup all kind of data I use Kopia

    • It supports incremental backups, which allow to restore to different points in time
  • Install Kopia

  • Guide on how to use Kopia

  • There are basically two backup mechanisms: push and pull

    • With push, the client containing the data is pushing the data to a backup server
    • With pull, the backup server is asking a client to get its data to backup it
  • Kopia only supports the push mode (so the client side mode)

  • On our client, containing the data, we initialize a repository, which will be located on our backup driver or also backup server

  • For a backup drive simply create a repo via

    • kopia repository create filesystem --path /path/to/backup/drive/folder
  • We create and connect to a backup server repository e.g. via ssh (sftp)

    • We already have to have a working ssh connection from our client to our server with ssh keys set up
    • kopia repository create sftp --path=/home/freddy/Backup/pi4 --host=freddy-desktop.lan --username=freddy --keyfile=/root/.ssh/id_rsa --known-hosts=/root/.ssh/known_hosts
  • That is all, now we are connected via Kopia to this backup repository

    • Kopia will always reconnect to this reposiotory, except if you manually disconnect at some point via kopia repository disconnect
    • Then you can reconnect via kopia repository connect filesystem --path /path/to/backup/drive/folder
      • or via kopia repository connect sftp --path=/home/freddy/Backup/pi4 --host=freddy-desktop.lan --username=freddy --keyfile=/root/.ssh/id_rsa --known-hosts=/root/.ssh/known_hosts

Snapshot #

  • Now we can create backups (snapshots) of various data located on our client
  • Examples
    • kopia snapshot create /opt/docker
    • or if you want to first dump a database from a docker container, to be sure that it is in a valid state when restoring do e.g.:
      • docker exec postgres-synapse pg_dumpall -U synapse > /databases/docker-synapse-postgres.dump && kopia snapshot create /databases/docker-synapse-postgres.dump && rm /databases/docker-synapse-postgres.dump
    • kopia snapshot create /mnt/data/nextcloud

Ignore #

  • You can also ignore specific directories during the backup process
    • Example: sudo kopia policy set --add-ignore '*' /home/frederik/Nextcloud /home/frederik/sciebo/

Sync Backup to another Backup Repository #

  • If we want to sync our backup from one backup repository to another this is also possible with kopia
  • Connect to the source repository if not already connected
    • kopia repository connect filesystem --path=/home/freddy/Backup/pi4
  • Now you can sync the repo to the target repository (must be empty folder or have the same kopia.repository file) and specify it via path
    • kopia repository sync-to filesystem --path /media/freddy/Backup_Freddy/backup-server
    • Here you can also use sftp instead of the filesystem again

Mount / Restore Backup #

  • You can mount the backup to check the files
  • kopia mount snapshot-id ~/my-mount-location
  • kopia restore snapshot-id ~/my-mount-location

My Server Backups #

  • On my main server, I have an additional backup drive
  • My main server and my other Raspberry Pi both connect to this same backup drive via kopia and do regular backups via cron every 1h
  • Since it is risky to only have one backup repository, I also sync the repository to my PC ones per Day via ssh, such that the complete repository is also available at a drive of my PC
  • And again I have another external drive, which I sometimes attach to my PC to also sync the repository on my PC to the external drive, to have another 3rd backup location
  • The backup scripts are also available in my repos

My Home Backups #

  • Use Kopia
    • sudo kopia repository create filesystem --path /media/frederik/Backup-i11/backup-i11
  • Frequency
    • sudo kopia policy set --global --keep-annual 1 --keep-monthly 3
  • Ignore folders
    • sudo kopia policy set --add-ignore '*' /home/frederik/Nextcloud /home/frederik/sciebo/
    • sudo kopia policy set --global --add-ignore '.cache' --add-ignore 'cache'
  • Test it
    • sudo kopia snapshot estimate /home/frederik
  • Use a launcher to launch it easily or automate the process with a script
  • I, personally, have a script run by anacron once a day, which automatically checks the network interface, if that is the home network, it connects to a backup server and triggers a backup of the home directory. Additionally, it backs up a list of all installed programs. A notification is sent to the desktop, if the backup is done or if it fails, with a link to the log file. See here for the script

Backup to smb drive:

Android Backups #

We want to back up everything under

  • /sdcard - normal user data
  • /data/data - internal private app data, not visible to normal user

Backup #

Prepare ssh acces on android phone Other OS#SSH Server on android

So we will prepare a script for the backup server and then we will prepare android to start this script

On backup server site:

  • Create kopia backup repository
  • mount android via sshfs sshfs root@ /mnt/android/data-data -p 2222
    • sshfs root@ /mnt/android/sdcard -p 2222
  • And now you can create snapshots
    • kopia snapshot create /mnt/android/data-data/
    • kopia snapshot create /mnt/android/sdcard/
  • And now umount again
    • umount /mnt/android/data-data
    • umount /mnt/android/sdcard
  • This can be put into a script, which automates this process

On Android site:

  • We want to automate the backup, by calling the script on the server side by using the tasker app
  • You can use tasker to create a new task
    • first launch app action to start the simplessh app
    • then a run shell action to ssh into the server and start the backup script
      • /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/ssh root@ /root/scripts/
    • now you can kill the sshd app
    • And send a notification that the backup is done
      • Optionally with the result of the script, which can be saved in a file and also stored in a tasker variable to be displayed via the notification

Example tasker process:

Task: Backup-android
    A1: Launch App [
         Package/App Name: SimpleSSHD ]
    A2: Run Shell [
         Command: {
         /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/ssh root@ /root/scripts/
         } >  /sdcard/.tmp-backup-android.log 2>&1
         Timeout (Seconds): 0
         Use Root: On
         Use Global Namespace: On
         Continue Task After Error:On ]
    A3: Kill App [
         App: SimpleSSHD
         Use Root: On ]
    A4: Run Shell [
         Command: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/tail -n 5 /sdcard/.tmp-backup-android.log
         Timeout (Seconds): 0
         Use Root: On
         Store Output In: %res
         Use Global Namespace: On ]
    A5: Notify [
         Title: Backup Done
         Text: %res
         Icon: hd_device_access_storage
         Number: 0
         Priority: 3
         LED Colour: Green
         LED Rate: 0
         Category: Backup ]

Restore #

If restoring make sure, that the correct owners are set for the /data/data/ folders for each app

  • every installed app has its own linux user and this must fit to the restored data folder
    • If reinstalling apps, this user changes
    • So reinstall an app and check the user ID: ls -la /data/data/com.your-app
    • And after restoring with kopia, for example via:
      • sshfs root@ /mnt/android/data-data -p 2222
      • mkdir -p /mnt/some-tmp-location
      • kopia snapshot restore /mnt/android/data-data/us.zoom.videomeetings --snapshot-time=latest /mnt/some-tmp-location
      • chown -R 10335:10335 /mnt/some-tmp-location
      • chown -R 10335:20335 data/data/us.zoom.videomeetings/code_cache/ - necessary since cache has a different group
      • And now restoring
      • rsync -av ./mnt/some-tmp-location/us.zoom.videomeetings/ /mnt/android/data-data/us.zoom.videomeetings/ --delete
  • Restore other external data from sdcard, the same way
  • You can use the script I provided in my scrips repo for automation
  • Also create a tasker task analog to the backup task
    • Just specifc a tasker variable in additon, which specifys the app name, that should be restored

Borg Backups #

Borg is similar to Kopia and is being used by the nextcloud-aio container to do automatic backups. Here are some hints on how to restore backups manually if need be. Normally, one would use the built-in restore tool from nextcloud-aio, though.

  • Get info of borg repo
    • sudo borg info /mnt/backup/backup-nextcloud-aio/borg
    • sudo borg list /mnt/backup/backup-nextcloud-aio/borg
  • To restore from borg backup files to current directory (remove –dry-run) sudo borg extract --list --dry-run /mnt/backup/backup-nextcloud-aio/borg::20230219_030107-nextcloud-aio nextcloud_aio_volumes/nextcloud_aio_nextcloud_data/Freddy/files/some-file

Unison Backups #

I recently switched to use Kopia for backups, so I would recommend kopia instead

Use unison as file sync program unison Manual for unison

Install it via:

sudo apt install unison

But same version on host and client needed, so maybe install .deb manually and download somewhere if both Linux versions do not have the same version

A unison config for a nextcloud backup:

# Unison preferences
label = Nextcloud Backup
root = ssh://root@pi4.lan//mnt/data/nextcloud
force = ssh://root@pi4.lan//mnt/data/nextcloud
root = /home/freddy/Backup/nextcloudbackup/data
batch = true
group = false
owner = false
perms = -1
times = true
links = true
retry = 1
logfile = /home/freddy/Computer/Pi_Backup_Log/nextcloud_unison.log

And file for backups to an external drive

# Unison preferences
label = External Backup
root = /home/freddy/Backup
force = /home/freddy/Backup
root = /media/freddy/Backup_Freddy/pi_Backups
ignore = Path lost+found
ignore = Path .Trash-1000
auto = true
group = false
owner = false
perms = -1
times = true
links = true
retry = 1
log = false

You can execute unison backup manually via:

unison my-profile-name